Travel Tips / Europe / Iceland
Iceland - Sudhurland
The Golden Circle
Jet boat trips through the canyons of Hvita river ( the milky white river ) A new an exciting adventure in Iceland. A must do when you are visiting Iceland
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Iceland - Hofudhborgarsvaedhi
Reykjavik Iceland
I was a little sceptical at first, but thought that with all that was promised, I probably wouldn't be losing that much money. The eBook which is called The native guide to traveling in Iceland only costs $12 so I went ahead and bought it.I'm extremely glad I did, as there are a ton of great advice and money saving tips there. I didn't go outside of Reykjavik, but there were lots of ideas of places to visit that aren't part of the usual touristy places.I at least can say that this was a great in....
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